

P.A. Inchin, A. Bhatt, S.A. Cummer, S.D. Eckermann, B.J. Harding, D.D. Kuhl, J. Ma, J.J. Makela, R. Sabatini, J.B. Snively (2023) Multi-Layer Evolution of Acoustic-Gravity Waves and Ionospheric Disturbances Over the United States After the 2022 Hunga Tonga Volcano Eruption, AGU Advances 4(6), doi:10.1029/2023AV000870

I.G. Wright, F.S. Rodrigues, J. Gomez Socola, A.O. Moraes, J.F.G. Monico, J. Sojka, L. Scherliess, D. Layne, I. Paulino, R.A. Buriti, J.J. Makela, D. Scipión (2023) On the detection of a solar radio burst event that occurred on 28 August 2022 and its effect on GNSS signals as observed by ionospheric scintillation monitors distributed over the American sector, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 13(15), doi:10.1051/swsc/2023027

A.N. Bhatt, B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, L. Navarro, L.J. Lamarche, T. Valentic, E.A. Kendall, P. Venkatraman (2023) MANGO: An Optical Network to Study the Dynamics of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128(10), doi:10.1029/2023JA031589

L.A. Navarro, J.J. Makela, J.M. Forbes, B.J. Harding, C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, R. Kerr, J. Noto, Q. Wu, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Kaab, T.J. Immel (2023) Non-Migrating Structures in the Northern Midlatitude Thermosphere During December Solstice Using ICON/MIGHTI and FPI Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128(9), doi:10.1029/2023JA031468

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, T. Fae, C.M. Brown, M.V. Ratnam, S.V.B. Rao, T.J. Immel (2023) Correction to: Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) On-Orbit Wind Observations: Data Analysis and Instrument Performance (Space Science Reviews, (2023), 219, 3, (27), 10.1007/s11214-023-00971-1), Space Science Reviews 219(6), doi:10.1007/s11214-023-00997-5

T.J. Immel, S.L. England, B.J. Harding, Y.-J. Wu, A. Maute, C. Cullens, C.R. Englert, S.B. Mende, R.A. Heelis, H.U. Frey, E.J. Korpela, A.W. Stephan, S. Frey, M.H. Stevens, J.J. Makela, F. Kamalabadi, C.C. Triplett, J.M. Forbes, E. McGinness, L.C. Gasque, J.M. Harlander, J.-C. Gérard, B. Hubert, J.D. Huba, R.R. Meier, B. Roberts (2023) The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - Prime Mission Review, Space Science Reviews 219(5), doi:10.1007/s11214-023-00975-x

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, T. Fae, C.M. Brown, M.V. Ratnam, S.V.B. Rao, T.J. Immel (2023) Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) On-Orbit Wind Observations: Data Analysis and Instrument Performance, Space Science Reviews 219(3), doi:10.1007/s11214-023-00971-1

C.C. Triplett, B.J. Harding, Y.-J.J. Wu, S. England, C.R. Englert, J.J. Makela, M.H. Stevens, T. Immel (2023) Large-Scale Gravity Waves in Daytime ICON-MIGHTI Data from 2020, Space Science Reviews 219(1), doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00944-w

M. Dhadly, F. Sassi, J. Emmert, D. Drob, M. Conde, Q. Wu, J. Makela, S. Budzien, A. Nicholas (2023) Neutral winds from mesosphere to thermosphere—past, present, and future outlook, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1050586


Z.T. Katamzi-Joseph, M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela, J.B. Habarulema, C. Martinis, J. Baumgardner (2022) First Results on Characteristics of Nighttime MSTIDs Observed Over South Africa: Influence of Thermospheric Wind and Sporadic E, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(11), doi:10.1029/2022JA030375

D.D. Billett, K.A. Mcwilliams, R.B. Kerr, J.J. Makela, A.T. Chartier, J.M. Ruohoniemi, S. Kapali, M.A. Migliozzi, J. Riccobono (2022) Mid-latitude neutral wind responses to sub-auroral polarization streams, Annales Geophysicae 40(5), doi:10.5194/angeo-40-571-2022

C.Y. Cullens, S.L. England, T.J. Immel, A. Maute, B.J. Harding, C.C. Triplett, J.J. Makela, M.H. Stevens (2022) Seasonal Variations of Medium-Scale Waves Observed by ICON-MIGHTI, Geophysical Research Letters 49(17), doi:10.1029/2022GL099383

A. Loutfi, F. Pitout, A. Bounhir, Z. Benkhaldoun, J.J. Makela, S. Abamni, K. Zyane, A. Elfakhiri (2022) Interhemispheric Asymmetry of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) on the African Sector Over 3 Years (2014–2016): Effects of Thermospheric Meridional Winds, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(9), doi:10.1029/2021JA029902

D. Okoh, A. Bounhir, J.B. Habarulema, B. Rabiu, Z. Katamzi-Joseph, T. Ojo, Q. Wu, J.J. Makela (2022) Thermospheric Neutral Wind Measurements and Investigations across the African Region—A Review, Atmosphere 13(6), doi:10.3390/atmos13060863

T.T. Ojo, Z.T. Katamzi-Joseph, K.T. Chu, M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela (2022) A climatology of the nighttime thermospheric winds over Sutherland, South Africa, Advances in Space Research 69(1), doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.10.015

J.M. Forbes, J. Oberheide, X. Zhang, C. Cullens, C.R. Englert, B.J. Harding, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, J.J. Makela, T.J. Immel (2022) Vertical Coupling by Solar Semidiurnal Tides in the Thermosphere From ICON/MIGHTI Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(5), doi:10.1029/2022JA030288


T.J. Immel, B.J. Harding, R.A. Heelis, A. Maute, J.M. Forbes, S.L. England, S.B. Mende, C.R. Englert, R.A. Stoneback, K. Marr, J.M. Harlander, J.J. Makela (2021) Regulation of ionospheric plasma velocities by thermospheric winds, Nature Geoscience 14(12), doi:10.1038/s41561-021-00848-4

J.M. Forbes, R. Heelis, X. Zhang, C.R. Englert, B.J. Harding, M. He, J.L. Chau, R. Stoneback, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, J.J. Makela, T.J. Immel (2021) Q2DW-Tide and -Ionosphere Interactions as Observed From ICON and Ground-Based Radars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(11), doi:10.1029/2021JA029961

F. Pitout, A. Loutfi, A. Bounhir, S.C. Buchert, Z. Benkhaldoun, J.J. Makela (2021) Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during the 22-23 June 2015 geomagnetic storm: Swarm and FPI coordinated observations above the Oukaimeden observatory, 2021 34th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2021, doi:10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560388

M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela (2021) Predictability of Geomagnetically Induced Currents as a Function of Available Magnetic Field Information, Space Weather 19(8), doi:10.1029/2021SW002747

M. He, J.L. Chau, J.M. Forbes, X. Zhang, C.R. Englert, B.J. Harding, T.J. Immel, L.M. Lima, S.V. Bhaskar Rao, M.V. Ratnam, G. Li, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, J.J. Makela (2021) Quasi-2-Day Wave in Low-Latitude Atmospheric Winds as Viewed From the Ground and Space During January–March, 2020, Geophysical Research Letters 48(13), doi:10.1029/2021GL093466

J.M. Forbes, X. Zhang, R. Heelis, R. Stoneback, C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, B.J. Harding, K.D. Marr, J.J. Makela, T.J. Immel (2021) Atmosphere-Ionosphere (A-I) Coupling as Viewed by ICON: Day-to-Day Variability Due to Planetary Wave (PW)-Tide Interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(6), doi:10.1029/2020JA028927

B.J. Harding, J.L. Chau, M. He, C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, J.J. Makela, M. Clahsen, G. Li, M.V. Ratnam, S.V. Bhaskar Rao, Y.-J.J. Wu, S.L. England, T.J. Immel (2021) Validation of ICON-MIGHTI Thermospheric Wind Observations: 2. Green-Line Comparisons to Specular Meteor Radars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(3), doi:10.1029/2020JA028947

G. Jiang, C. Xiong, C. Stolle, J. Xu, W. Yuan, J.J. Makela, B.J. Harding, R.B. Kerr, G. March, C. Siemes (2021) Comparison of Thermospheric Winds Measured by GOCE and Ground-Based FPIs at Low and Middle Latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(2), doi:10.1029/2020JA028182

J.J. Makela, M. Baughman, L.A. Navarro, B.J. Harding, C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, K.D. Marr, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Kaab, T.J. Immel (2021) Validation of ICON-MIGHTI Thermospheric Wind Observations: 1. Nighttime Red-Line Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometers, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(2), doi:10.1029/2020JA028726


Y.-J.J. Wu, B.J. Harding, C.C. Triplett, J.J. Makela, K.D. Marr, C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, T.J. Immel (2020) Errors From Asymmetric Emission Rate in Spaceborne, Limb Sounding Doppler Interferometry: A Correction Algorithm With Application to ICON/MIGHTI, Earth and Space Science 7(10), doi:10.1029/2020EA001164

I. Paulino, C.A.O.B. Figueiredo, F.S. Rodrigues, R.A. Buriti, C.M. Wrasse, A.R. Paulino, D. Barros, H. Takahashi, I.S. Batista, A.F. Medeiros, P.P. Batista, M.A. Abdu, E.R. de Paula, C.M. Denardini, L.M. Lima, R.Y.C. Cueva, J.J. Makela (2020) Atmospheric Gravity Waves Observed in the Nightglow Following the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, Geophysical Research Letters 47(17), doi:10.1029/2020GL088924

A. Loutfi, A. Bounhir, F. Pitout, Z. Benkhaldoun, J.J. Makela (2020) Thermospheric Neutral Winds Above the Oukaimeden Observatory: Effects of Geomagnetic Activity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125(7), doi:10.1029/2019JA027383


M.S. Dhadly, J.T. Emmert, D.P. Drob, M.G. Conde, A. Aruliah, E. Doornbos, G.G. Shepherd, Q. Wu, J.J. Makela, R.J. Niciejewski, C. Lee, G. Jee, A.J. Ridley (2019) HL-TWiM Empirical Model of High-Latitude Upper Thermospheric Winds, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124(12), doi:10.1029/2019JA027188

C.M.N. Candido, J. Shi, I.S. Batista, F. Becker-Guedes, E. Correia, M.A. Abdu, J. Makela, N. Balan, N. Chapagain, C. Wang, Z. Liu (2019) Postmidnight equatorial plasma irregularities on the June solstice during low solar activity - A case study, Annales Geophysicae 37(4), doi:10.5194/angeo-37-657-2019

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, K.D. Marr, M.H. Stevens, B.J. Harding, T.J. Immel, S.B. Mende, J.J. Makela (2019) An overview of design challenges and the data analysis approach of the thermospheric wind and temperature instrument on the NASA ICON mission, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy - Proceedings Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors), doi:10.1364/FTS.2019.FTu4B.2

B.J. Harding, A.J. Ridley, J.J. Makela (2019) Thermospheric Weather as Observed by Ground-Based FPIs and Modeled by GITM, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124(2), doi:10.1029/2018JA026032

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, K.D. Marr, M.H. Stevens, B.J. Harding, T.J. Immel, S.B. Mende, J.J. Makela (2019) An overview of design challenges and the data analysis approach of the thermospheric wind and temperature instrument on the NASA ICON mission, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Part F155-, doi:10.1364/FTS.2019.FTu4B.2

M.A. Grawe, K.T. Chu, J.J. Makela (2019) Measurement of atmospheric neutral wind and temperature from Fabry-Perot interferometer data using piloted deconvolution, Applied Optics 58(14), doi:10.1364/AO.58.003685


M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela, M.D. Butala, F. Kamalabadi (2018) The Impact of Magnetic Field Temporal Sampling on Modeled Surface Electric Fields, Space Weather 16(11), doi:10.1029/2018SW001896

K. Malki, A. Bounhir, Z. Benkhaldoun, J.J. Makela, N. Vilmer, D.J. Fisher, M. Kaab, K. Elbouyahyaoui, B.J. Harding, A. Laghriyeb, A. Daassou, M. Lazrek (2018) Ionospheric and thermospheric response to the 27-28 February 2014 geomagnetic storm over north Africa, Annales Geophysicae 36(4), doi:10.5194/angeo-36-987-2018

F. Kamalabadi, J. Qin, B.J. Harding, D. Iliou, J.J. Makela, R.R. Meier, S.L. England, H.U. Frey, S.B. Mende, T.J. Immel (2018) Inferring Nighttime Ionospheric Parameters with the Far Ultraviolet Imager Onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer, Space Science Reviews 214(4), doi:10.1007/s11214-018-0502-9

A. DIdion, A. Komjathy, B. Sutin, B. Nakazono, A. Karp, M. Wallace, G. Lantoine, S. Krishnamoorthy, M. Rud, J. Cutts, P. Lognonné, B. Kenda, M. Drilleau, J. Makela, M. Grawe, J. Helbert (2018) Remote sensing of venusian seismic activity with a small spacecraft, the VAMOS mission concept, IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2018-March, doi:10.1109/AERO.2018.8396447

B.J. Harding, D.P. Drob, R.A. Buriti, J.J. Makela (2018) Nightside Detection of a Large-Scale Thermospheric Wave Generated by a Solar Eclipse, Geophysical Research Letters 45(8), doi:10.1002/2018GL077015

R.L.A. Mesquita, J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, D.J. Fisher, B.J. Harding, S.C. Sanders, F. Tesema, A.J. Ridley (2018) New results on the mid-latitude midnight temperature maximum, Annales Geophysicae 36(2), doi:10.5194/angeo-36-541-2018

I. Paulino, J.F. Moraes, G.L. Maranhão, C.M. Wrasse, R. Arlen Buriti, A.F. Medeiros, A. Roberta Paulino, H. Takahashi, J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, J.A.V. Campos (2018) Intrinsic parameters of periodic waves observed in the OI6300 airglow layer over the Brazilian equatorial region, Annales Geophysicae 36(1), doi:10.5194/angeo-36-265-2018

T.J. Immel, S.L. England, S.B. Mende, R.A. Heelis, C.R. Englert, J. Edelstein, H.U. Frey, E.J. Korpela, E.R. Taylor, W.W. Craig, S.E. Harris, M. Bester, G.S. Bust, G. Crowley, J.M. Forbes, J.-C. Gérard, J.M. Harlander, J.D. Huba, B. Hubert, F. Kamalabadi, J.J. Makela, A.I. Maute, R.R. Meier, C. Raftery, P. Rochus, O.H.W. Siegmund, A.W. Stephan, G.R. Swenson, S. Frey, D.L. Hysell, A. Saito, K.A. Rider, M.M. Sirk (2018) The Ionospheric Connection Explorer Mission: Mission Goals and Design, Space Science Reviews 214(1), doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0449-2

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, K.D. Marr, M.H. Stevens, B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, T.J. Immel, S.B. Mende (2018) An overview of design challenges and the data analysis approach of the thermospheric wind and temperature instrument on the NASA ICON mission, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Part F119-, doi:10.1364/FTS.2018.FM3B.2

B.M. Sutin, J. Cutts, A.M. Didion, M. Drilleau, M. Grawe, J. Helbert, A. Karp, B. Kenda, A. Komjathy, S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Lantoine, P. Lognonné, J.J. Makela, B. Nakazono, M. Rud, M. Wallace (2018) VAMOS: A SmallSat mission concept for remote sensing of Venusian seismic activity from orbit, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10698, doi:10.1117/12.2309439

M.S. Dhadly, J.T. Emmert, D.P. Drob, M.G. Conde, E. Doornbos, G.G. Shepherd, J.J. Makela, Q. Wu, R.J. Nieciejewski, A.J. Ridley (2018) Seasonal Dependence of Geomagnetic Active-Time Northern High-Latitude Upper Thermospheric Winds, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123(1), doi:10.1002/2017JA024715


B.J. Harding, J. Qin, J.J. Makela (2017) Ground-Based Optical Measurements of Quiet Time Thermospheric Wind and Temperature: Atmospheric Scattering Corrections, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(11), doi:10.1002/2017JA024705

J. Qin, L. Waldrop, J.J. Makela (2017) Redistribution of H atoms in the upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(10), doi:10.1002/2017JA024489

M.D. Butala, M. Kazerooni, J.J. Makela, F. Kamalabadi, J.L. Gannon, H. Zhu, T.J. Overbye (2017) Modeling Geomagnetically Induced Currents From Magnetometer Measurements: Spatial Scale Assessed With Reference Measurements, Space Weather 15(10), doi:10.1002/2017SW001602

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, K.D. Marr, I.J. Miller, J.E. Stump, J. Hancock, J.Q. Peterson, J. Kumler, W.H. Morrow, T.A. Mooney, S. Ellis, S.B. Mende, S.E. Harris, M.H. Stevens, J.J. Makela, B.J. Harding, T.J. Immel (2017) Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Instrument Design and Calibration, Space Science Reviews 212(1-2), doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0358-4

B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, C.R. Englert, K.D. Marr, J.M. Harlander, S.L. England, T.J. Immel (2017) The MIGHTI Wind Retrieval Algorithm: Description and Verification, Space Science Reviews 212(1-2), doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0359-3

C.A.O.B. Figueiredo, R.A. Buriti, I. Paulino, J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, I.S. Batista, D. Barros, A.F. Medeiros (2017) Effects of the midnight temperature maximum observed in the thermosphere-ionosphere over the northeast of Brazil, Annales Geophysicae 35(4), doi:10.5194/angeo-35-953-2017

B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, J. Qin, D.J. Fisher, C.R. Martinis, J. Noto, C.M. Wrasse (2017) Atmospheric scattering effects on ground-based measurements of thermospheric vertical wind, horizontal wind, and temperature, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(7), doi:10.1002/2017JA023942

F. Tesema, R. Mesquita, J. Meriwether, B. Damtie, M. Nigussie, J. Makela, D. Fisher, B. Harding, E. Yizengaw, S. Sanders (2017) New results on equatorial thermospheric winds and temperatures from Ethiopia, Africa, Annales Geophysicae 35(2), doi:10.5194/angeo-35-333-2017

I. Azeem, S.L. Vadas, G. Crowley, J.J. Makela (2017) Traveling ionospheric disturbances over the United States induced by gravity waves from the 2011 Tohoku tsunami and comparison with gravity wave dissipative theory, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(3), doi:10.1002/2016JA023659

M. Dhadly, J. Emmert, D. Drob, M. Conde, E. Doornbos, G. Shepherd, J. Makela, Q. Wu, R. Niciejewski, A. Ridley (2017) Seasonal dependence of northern high-latitude upper thermospheric winds: A quiet time climatological study based on ground-based and space-based measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(2), doi:10.1002/2016JA023688

M. Kaab, Z. Benkhaldoun, D.J. Fisher, B. Harding, A. Bounhir, J.J. Makela, A. Laghriyeb, K. Malki, A. Daassou, M. Lazrek (2017) Climatology of thermospheric neutral winds over Oukaïmeden Observatory in Morocco, Annales Geophysicae 35(1), doi:10.5194/angeo-35-161-2017

A. Bounhir, Z. Benkhaldoun, J.J. Makela, M. Kaab, B. Harding, D.J. Fisher, A. Lagheryeb, M. Khalifa, K. Elbouyahyaoui, M. Lazrek, A. Daassou (2017) Thermospheric Dynamics in Quiet and Disturbed Conditions, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 13(S335), doi:10.1017/S174392131700919X

M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela (2017) Observation of tsunami-generated ionospheric signatures over Hawaii caused by the 16 September 2015 Illapel earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122(1), doi:10.1002/2016JA023228


D.S. Miladinovich, S. Datta-Barua, G.S. Bust, J.J. Makela (2016) Assimilation of thermospheric measurements for ionosphere-thermosphere state estimation, Radio Science 51(12), doi:10.1002/2016RS006098

J. Qin, F. Kamalabadi, J.J. Makela (2016) Quantifying the inversion accuracy of simplified physical models for the nighttime OI 135.6 nm emission, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121(6), doi:10.1002/2016JA022720


J. Oberheide, K. Shiokawa, S. Gurubaran, W.E. Ward, H. Fujiwara, M.J. Kosch, J.J. Makela, H. Takahashi (2015) The geospace response to variable inputs from the lower atmosphere: a review of the progress made by Task Group 4 of CAWSES-II, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2(1), doi:10.1186/s40645-014-0031-4

S.L. Vadas, J.J. Makela, M.J. Nicolls, R.F. Milliff (2015) Excitation of gravity waves by ocean surface wave packets: Upward propagation and reconstruction of the thermospheric gravity wave field, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(11), doi:10.1002/2015JA021430

J. Qin, J.J. Makela, F. Kamalabadi, R.R. Meier (2015) Radiative transfer modeling of the OI 135.6 nm emission in the nighttime ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(11), doi:10.1002/2015JA021687

S. Datta-Barua, D.S. Miladinovich, G.S. Bust, J. Makela (2015) Ionospheric-thermospheric state estimation with neutral wind data assimilation, 2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference, URSI AT-RASC 2015, doi:10.1109/URSI-AT-RASC.2015.7303101

P.P. Joshi, J.B. H. Baker, J.M. Ruohoniemi, J.J. Makela, D.J. Fisher, B.J. Harding, N.A. Frissell, E.G. Thomas (2015) Observations of storm time midlatitude ion-neutral coupling using SuperDARN radars and NATION Fabry-Perot interferometers, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(10), doi:10.1002/2015JA021475

D.J. Fisher, J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, R.A. Buriti, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Kaab, A. Lagheryeb (2015) Climatologies of nighttime thermospheric winds and temperatures from Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements: From solar minimum to solar maximum, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(8), doi:10.1002/2015JA021170

J.D. Huba, D.P. Drob, T.-W. Wu, J.J. Makela (2015) Modeling the ionospheric impact of tsunami-driven gravity waves with SAMI3: Conjugate effects, Geophysical Research Letters 42(14), doi:10.1002/2015GL064871

S.-R. Zhang, P.J. Erickson, J.C. Foster, J.M. Holt, A.J. Coster, J.J. Makela, J. Noto, J.W. Meriwether, B.J. Harding, J. Riccobono, R.B. Kerr (2015) Thermospheric poleward wind surge at midlatitudes during great storm intervals, Geophysical Research Letters 42(13), doi:10.1002/2015GL064836

A.T. Chartier, J.J. Makela, H. Liu, G.S. Bust, J. Noto (2015) Modeled and observed equatorial thermospheric winds and temperatures, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(7), doi:10.1002/2014JA020921

B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether (2015) Estimation of mesoscale thermospheric wind structure using a network of interferometers, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(5), doi:10.1002/2015JA021025

J.D. Huba, T.-W. Wu, J.J. Makela (2015) Electrostatic reconnection in the ionosphere, Geophysical Research Letters 42(6), doi:10.1002/2015GL063187

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, J.J. Makela, K.D. Marr, T.J. Immel (2015) MIGHTI: The spatial heterodyne instrument for thermospheric wind measurements on board the ICON mission, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FTS 2015, doi:10.1364/fts.2015.fm4a.1

M.A. Grawe, J.J. Makela (2015) The ionospheric responses to the 2011 Tohoku, 2012 Haida Gwaii, and 2010 Chile tsunamis: Effects of tsunami orientation and observation geometry, Earth and Space Science 2(11), doi:10.1002/2015EA000132

D.P. Drob, J.T. Emmert, J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, E. Doornbos, M. Conde, G. Hernandez, J. Noto, K.A. Zawdie, S.E. McDonald, J.D. Huba, J.H. Klenzing (2015) An update to the Horizontal Wind Model (HWM): The quiet time thermosphere, Earth and Space Science 2(7), doi:10.1002/2014EA000089


E.S. Miller, H. Kil, J.J. Makela, R.A. Heelis, E.R. Talaat, A. Gross (2014) Topside signature of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances, Annales Geophysicae 32(8), doi:10.5194/angeo-32-959-2014

B.J. Harding, T.W. Gehrels, J.J. Makela (2014) Nonlinear regression method for estimating neutral wind and temperature from Fabry-Perot interferometer data, Applied Optics(4), doi:10.1364/AO.53.000666

L. Heng, J.J. Makela, A.D. Dominguez-Garcia, R.B. Bobba, W.H. Sanders, G.X. Gao (2014) Reliable GPS-based timing for power systems: A multi-layered multi-receiver architecture, 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, PECI 2014, doi:10.1109/PECI.2014.6804565

D.S. Anderson, J.J. Makela, U. Kanwar (2014) Experimental validation of a technique to estimate vertical wavelength parameters from gravity wave perturbations on mesospheric airglows, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(4), doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2257176


T.M. Duly, N.P. Chapagain, J.J. Makela (2013) Climatology of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) in the Central Pacific and South American sectors, Annales Geophysicae 31(12), doi:10.5194/angeo-31-2229-2013

J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, D.J. Fisher, R.A. Buriti, A.F. Medeiros, R.A. Akmaev, T.J. Fuller-Rowell, F. Wu (2013) Comparisons of thermospheric wind and temperature measurements in equatorial Brazil to Whole Atmosphere Model Predictions, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 103, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.04.002

A. Bhattacharyya, J.L. Chau, C.M. Denardini, D.L. Hysell, J.J. Makela, K. Shiokawa, E. Kudeki (2013) Recent advances in equatorial, low- and mid-latitude aeronomy, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 103, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.08.017

J.J. Makela, D.J. Fisher, J.W. Meriwether, R.A. Buriti, A.F. Medeiros (2013) Near-continual ground-based nighttime observations of thermospheric neutral winds and temperatures over equatorial Brazil from 2009 to 2012, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 103, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.11.019

G.D. Earle, R.L. Davidson, R.A. Heelis, W.R. Coley, D.R. Weimer, J.J. Makela, D.J. Fisher, A.J. Gerrard, J. Meriwether (2013) Low latitude thermospheric responses to magnetic storms, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118(6), doi:10.1002/jgra.50212

N.P. Chapagain, D.J. Fisher, J.W. Meriwether, J.L. Chau, J.J. Makela (2013) Comparison of zonal neutral winds with equatorial plasma bubble and plasma drift velocities, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118(4), doi:10.1002/jgra.50238

X. Jiang, J. Zhang, B.J. Harding, J.J. Makela, A.D. Domínguez-García (2013) Spoofing GPS receiver clock offset of phasor measurement units, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28(3), doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2240706

R.A. Heelis, J.J. Makela, Su. Basu (2013) Reply to Tsurutani et al.'s comment on "storming the Bastille: The effect of electric fields on the ionospheric F-layer" by Rishbeth et al. (2010), Annales Geophysicae 31(2), doi:10.5194/angeo-31-151-2013

C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, A.W. Stephan, J.J. Makela, K.D. Marr, T.J. Immel (2013) The michelson interferometer for global high-resolution thermospheric imaging (MIGHTI): Wind and temperature observations from the ionospheric connection explorer (ICON), Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, doi:10.1364/fts.2013.fw1d.3


C.R. Englert, J.M. Harlander, C.M. Brown, J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, M. Castelaz, J.T. Emmert, D.P. Drob, K.D. Marr (2012) Coincident thermospheric wind measurements using ground-based Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) and Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) instruments, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 86, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.07.002

Z. Benkaldoun, J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether (2012) Solar initiative at Oukaimeden Observatory, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 8(S294), doi:10.1017/S1743921313002950

Y. Huang, J.J. Makela, G.R. Swenson (2012) Simulations of imaging Fabry-Perot interferometers for measuring upper-atmospheric temperatures and winds, Applied Optics 51(17), doi:10.1364/AO.51.003787

J.J. Makela, Y. Otsuka (2012) Overview of nighttime ionospheric instabilities at low- and mid-latitudes: Coupling aspects resulting in structuring at the mesoscale, Space Science Reviews 168(1-4), doi:10.1007/s11214-011-9816-6

J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, A.J. Ridley, M. Ciocca, M.W. Castellez (2012) Large-scale measurements of thermospheric dynamics with a multisite fabry-perot interferometer network: Overview of plans and results from midlatitude measurements, International Journal of Geophysics 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/872140

N.P. Chapagain, M.J. Taylor, J.J. Makela, T.M. Duly (2012) Equatorial plasma bubble zonal velocity using 630.0 nm airglow observations and plasma drift modeling over Ascension Island, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117(6), doi:10.1029/2012JA017750

N.P. Chapagain, J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, D.J. Fisher, R.A. Buriti, A.F. Medeiros (2012) Comparison of nighttime zonal neutral winds and equatorial plasma bubble drift velocities over Brazil, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117(6), doi:10.1029/2012JA017620


J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, Y. Huang, P.J. Sherwood (2011) Simulation and analysis of a multi-order imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer for the study of thermospheric winds and temperatures, Applied Optics 50(22), doi:10.1364/AO.50.004403

J.J. Makela, P. Lognonné, H. Hébert, T. Gehrels, L. Rolland, S. Allgeyer, A. Kherani, G. Occhipinti, E. Astafyeva, P. Cosson, A. Loevenbruck, E. Clévédé, M.C. Kelley, J. Lamouroux (2011) Imaging and modeling the ionospheric airglow response over Hawaii to the tsunami generated by the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011, Geophysical Research Letters 38(13), doi:10.1029/2011GL047860

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, O. De La Beaujardiére, J. Retterer (2011) Convective ionospheric storms: A review, Reviews of Geophysics 49(2), doi:10.1029/2010RG000340

J. Krall, J.D. Huba, S.L. Ossakow, G. Joyce, J.J. Makela, E.S. Miller, M.C. Kelley (2011) Modeling of equatorial plasma bubbles triggered by non-equatorial traveling ionospheric disturbances, Geophysical Research Letters 38(8), doi:10.1029/2011GL046890

G. Occhipinti, P. CoTsson, J.J. Makela, S. Allgeyer, A. Kherani, H. Hébert, P. Lognonné (2011) Three-dimensional numerical modeling of tsunami-related internal gravity waves in the Hawaiian atmosphere, Earth, Planets and Space 63(7), doi:10.5047/eps.2011.06.051

J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela, Y. Huang, D.J. Fisher, R.A. Buriti, A.F. Medeiros, H. Takahashi (2011) Climatology of the nighttime equatorial thermospheric winds and temperatures over Brazil near solar minimum, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116(4), doi:10.1029/2011JA016477


J.J. Makela, E.S. Miller, E.R. Talaat (2010) Nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances at low geomagnetic latitudes, Geophysical Research Letters 37(24), doi:10.1029/2010GL045922

J.J. Makela, S.L. Vadas, R. Muryanto, T. Duly, G. Crowley (2010) Periodic spacing between consecutive equatorial plasma bubbles, Geophysical Research Letters 37(14), doi:10.1029/2010GL043968

H. Rishbeth, R.A. Heelis, J.J. Makela, S. Basu (2010) Storming the Bastille: The effect of electric fields on the ionospheric F-layer, Annales Geophysicae 28(4), doi:10.5194/angeo-28-977-2010

E.S. Miller, J.J. Makela, K.M. Groves, M.C. Kelley, R.T. Tsunoda (2010) Coordinated study of coherent radar backscatter and optical airglow depletions in the central Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115(6), doi:10.1029/2009JA014946

A. Taori, J.J. Makela, M. Taylor (2010) Mesospheric wave signatures and equatorial plasma bubbles: A case study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115(6), doi:10.1029/2009JA015088


C. Coker, S.E. Thonnard, K.F. Dymond, T.J.W. Lazio, J.J. Makela, P.J. Loughmiller (2009) Simultaneous radio interferometer and optical observations of ionospheric structure at the very large array, Radio Science 44(4), doi:10.1029/2008RS004079

E.S. Miller, J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley (2009) Seeding of equatorial plasma depletions by polarization electric fields from middle latitudes: Experimental evidence, Geophysical Research Letters 36(18), doi:10.1029/2009GL039695

M.C. Kelley, F.S. Rodrigues, J.J. Makela, R. Tsunoda, P.A. Roddy, D.E. Hunton, J.M. Retterer, O. De La Beaujardiere, E.R. De Paula, R.R. Ilma (2009) C/NOFS and radar observations during a convective ionospheric storm event over South America, Geophysical Research Letters 36(18), doi:10.1029/2009GL039378

J.J. Makela, J.W. Meriwether, J.P. Lima, E.S. Miller, S.J. Armstrong (2009) The remote equatorial nighttime observatory of ionospheric regions project and the international heliospherical year, Earth, Moon and Planets 104(1-4), doi:10.1007/s11038-008-9289-0

Su. Basu, S. Basu, J. Huba, J. Krall, S.E. McDonald, J.J. Makela, E.S. Miller, S. Ray, K. Groves (2009) Day-to-day variability of the equatorial ionization anomaly and scintillations at dusk observed by GUVI and modeling by SAMI3, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114(4), doi:10.1029/2008JA013899

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, R.T. Tsunoda (2009) Observations of midlatitude ionospheric instabilities generating meter-scale waves at the magnetic equator, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114(1), doi:10.1029/2007JA012946


E.S. Miller, J.J. Makela (2008) A multi-instrument technique for localization of scintillation-causing regions in the equatorial ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113(12), doi:10.1029/2008JA013144

J.K. Lee, F. Kamalabadi, J.J. Makela (2008) Three-dimensional tomography of ionospheric variability using a dense GPS receiver array, Radio Science 43(3), doi:10.1029/2007RS003716

Su. Basu, S. Basu, J.J. Makela, E. MacKenzie, P. Doherty, J.W. Wright, F. Rich, M.J. Keskinen, R.E. Sheehan, A.J. Coster (2008) Large magnetic storm-induced nighttime ionospheric flows at midlatitudes and their impacts on GPS-based navigation systems, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113(3), doi:10.1029/2008JA013076

J.J. Makela, E.S. Miller (2008) Optical observations of the growth and day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubbles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113(3), doi:10.1029/2007JA012661

I. Seker, D.J. Livneh, J.J. Makela, J.D. Mathews (2008) Tracking F-region plasma depletion bands using GPS-TEC, incoherent scatter radar, and all-sky imaging at Arecibo, Earth, Planets and Space 60(6), doi:10.1186/BF03353127


D. Yao, J.J. Makela (2007) Analysis of equatorial plasma bubble zonal drift velocities in the Pacific sector by imaging techniques, Annales Geophysicae 25(3), doi:10.5194/angeo-25-701-2007


J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, M.J. Nicolls (2006) Optical observations of the development of secondary instabilities on the eastern wall of an equatorial plasma bubble, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111(9), doi:10.1029/2006JA011646

J.J. Makela (2006) A review of imaging low-latitude ionospheric irregularity processes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 68(13), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.04.014

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, O. de la Beaujardière (2006) Convective ionospheric storms: A major space weather problem, Space Weather 3(2), doi:10.1029/2005SW000144

J.J. Makela, J.L. Chau (2006) Preface: "The 11th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-11), Taipei, May 2005", Annales Geophysicae 24(5), doi:10.5194/angeo-24-1279-2006


B.M. Ledvina, J.J. Makela (2005) First observations of SBAS/WAAS scintillations: Using collocated scintillation measurements and all-sky images to study equatorial plasma bubbles, Geophysical Research Letters 32(14), doi:10.1029/2004GL021954

Su. Basu, S. Basu, J.J. Makela, R.E. Sheehan, E. MacKenzie, P. Doherty, J.W. Wright, M.J. Keskinen, D. Pallamraju, L.J. Paxton, F.T. Berkey (2005) Two components of ionospheric plasma structuring at midlatitudes observed during the large magnetic storm of October 30, 2003, Geophysical Research Letters 32(12), doi:10.1029/2004GL021669

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley (2005) Two-dimensional imaging of the development phase of plasma instabilities in the earth's ionosphere, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33(2 I), doi:10.1109/TPS.2005.845119


L.B. Brown, A.J. Gerrard, J.W. Meriwether, J.J. Makela (2004) All-sky imaging observations of mesospheric fronts in OI 557.7 nm and broadband OH airglow emissions: Analysis of frontal structure, atmospheric background conditions, and potential sourcing mechanisms, Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 109(19), doi:10.1029/2003JD004223

M.J. Nicolls, M.C. Kelley, A.J. Coster, S.A. González, J.J. Makela (2004) Imaging the structure of a large-scale TID using ISR and TEC data, Geophysical Research Letters 31(9), doi:10.1029/2004GL019797

M.C. Kelley, W.E. Swartz, J.J. Makela (2004) Mid-latitude ionospheric fluctuation spectra due to secondary E × B instabilities, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66(17 SPEC. ISS.), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2004.07.004

J.J. Makela, B.M. Ledvina, M.C. Kelley, P.M. Kintner (2004) Analysis of the seasonal variations of equatorial plasma bubble occurrence observed from Haleakala, Hawaii, Annales Geophysicae 22(9), doi:10.5194/angeo-22-3109-2004

B.M. Ledvina, P.M. Kintner, J.J. Makela (2004) Temporal properties of intense GPS L1 amplitude scintillations at midlatitudes, Radio Science 39(1), doi:10.1029/2002rs002832


M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, L.J. Paxton, F. Kamalabadi, J.M. Comberiate, H. Kil (2003) The first coordinated ground- and space-based optical observations of equatorial plasma bubbles, Geophysical Research Letters 30(14), doi:10.1029/2003GL017301

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley (2003) Field-aligned 777.4-nm composite airglow images of equatorial plasma depletions, Geophysical Research Letters 30(8), doi:10.1029/2003GL017106

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, J.L. Chau, M.J. Nicolls (2003) Penetration of the solar wind electric field into the magnetosphere/ionosphere system, Geophysical Research Letters 30(4), doi:10.1029/2002GL016321

M.C. Kelley, C. Haldoupis, M.J. Nicolls, J.J. Makela, A. Belehaki, S. Shalimov, V.K. Wong (2003) Case studies of coupling between the E and F regions during unstable sporadic-E conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108(A12), doi:10.1029/2003JA009955

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley (2003) Using the 630.0-nm nightglow emission as a surrogate for the ionospheric Pedersen conductivity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108(A6), doi:10.1029/2003JA009894

J.J. Sojka, D.C. Thompson, R.W. Schunk, J.V. Eccles, J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, S.A. González, N. Aponte, T.W. Bullett (2003) Ionospheric data assimilation: Recovery of strong mid-latitudinal density gradients, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 65(10), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2003.07.004

M.N. Vlasov, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, M.J. Nicolls (2003) Intense nighttime flux from the plasmasphere during a modest magnetic storm, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 65(10), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2003.07.003

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, S.A. González, N. Aponte, J.J. Sojka (2003) Mid-latitude plasma and electric field measurements during space weather month, September 1999, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 65(10), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2003.07.002

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, M.N. Vlasov, A. Sur (2003) Further studies of the Perkins stability during Space Weather Month, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 65(10), doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2003.07.001


M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, B.M. Ledvina, P.M. Kintner (2002) Observations of equatorial spread-F from Haleakala, Hawaii, Geophysical Research Letters 29(20), doi:10.1029/2002GL015509

W.E. Swartz, S.C. Collins, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, J. Urbina, N. Aponte, S. González, M.P. Sulzer, J.S. Friedman (2002) First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 64(12-14), doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00092-5

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, A. Saito (2002) The mid-latitude F region at the mesoscale: Some progress at last, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 64(12-14), doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00090-1

B.M. Ledvina, J.J. Makela, P.M. Kintner (2002) First observations of intense GPS L1 amplitude scintillations at midlatitude, Geophysical Research Letters 29(14), doi:10.1029/2002GL014770

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela (2002) By-dependent prompt penetrating electric fields at the magnetic equator, Geophysical Research Letters 29(7), doi:10.1029/2001GL014468

K.F. Dymond, R.P. McCoy, K.S. Wood, S.A. Budzien, A.C. Nicholas, S.E. Thonnard, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela (2002) An experiment for studying spatial and temporal behavior of the ionosphere, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4485, doi:10.1117/12.454260


J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, S.A. González, N. Aponte, R.P. McCoy (2001) Ionospheric topography maps using multiple-wavelength all-sky images, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 106(A12), doi:10.1029/2000ja000449

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela (2001) Resolution of the discrepancy between experiment and theory of midlatitude F-region structures, Geophysical Research Letters 28(13), doi:10.1029/2000GL012777

J.J. Sojka, D.C. Thompson, R.W. Schunk, T.W. Bullett, J.J. Makela (2001) Assimilation ionosphere model: Development and testing with combined ionospheric campaign Caribbean measurements, Radio Science 36(2), doi:10.1029/1999RS002411

J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Sojka, X. Pi, A.J. Mannucci (2001) GPS normalization and preliminary modeling results of total electron content during a midlatitude space weather event, Radio Science 36(2), doi:10.1029/1999RS002427


W.E. Swartz, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, S.C. Collins, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, J. Urbina, N. Aponte, M.P. Sulzer, S.A. González (2000) Coherent and incoherent scatter radar observations during intense mid-latitude spread F, Geophysical Research Letters 27(18), doi:10.1029/2000GL000021

J.J. Makela, S.A. González, B. MacPherson, X. Pi, M.C. Kelley, P.J. Sultan (2000) Intercomparisons of total electron content measurements using the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar and GPS, Geophysical Research Letters 27(18), doi:10.1029/2000GL000023

G.S. Bust, D. Coco, J.J. Makela (2000) Combined ionospheric campaign 1: Iosnospheric tomography and GPS total electron count (TEC) depletions, Geophysical Research Letters 27(18), doi:10.1029/2000GL000053

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, A. Saito, N. Aponte, M. Sulzer, S.A. González (2000) On the electrical structure of airglow depletion/height layer bands over Arecibo, Geophysical Research Letters 27(18), doi:10.1029/2000GL000024

M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, W.E. Swartz, S.C. Collins, S. Thonnard, N. Aponte, C.A. Tepley (2000) Carribean ionosphere campaign, Year one: Airglow and plasma observations during two intense mid-latitude spread-F events, Geophysical Research Letters 27(18), doi:10.1029/2000GL000022

F.J. Garcia, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, C.-S. Huang (2000) Airglow observations of mesoscale low-velocity traveling ionospheric disturbances at midlatitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105(A8), doi:10.1029/1999ja000305

F.J. Garcia, M.C. Kelley, J.J. Makela, P.J. Sultan, X. Pi, S. Musman (2000) Mesoscale structure of the midlatitude ionosphere during high geomagnetic activity: Airglow and GPS observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105(A8), doi:10.1029/1999ja000306

W.E. Swartz, J.J. Makela, M.C. Kelley (2000) First observations of coherent scatter from the mid-latitude F-region in the Caribbean, Geophysical Research Letters 27(7), doi:10.1029/1999GL010741

M.C. Kelley, F. Garcia, J. Makela, T. Fan, E. Mak, C. Sia, D. Alcocer (2000) Highly structured tropical airglow and TEC signatures during strong geomagnetic activity, Geophysical Research Letters 27(4), doi:10.1029/1999GL900598